Indigenous Governance Database - Native Nations Institute, University of Arizona
Indigenous Governance Database - Native Nations Institute, University of Arizona


Launched in September 2012, the free Indigenous Governance Database (IGD) features online educational and informational resources on tribal self-governance and tribal policy reform that:

  • Foster Native nation building
  • Promote tribal sovereignty
  • Disseminate Indigenous data
  • Encourage tribal leadership development
  • Support the development of capable governing institutions
  • Highlight sustainable economic and community development in Indian Country.

The IGD was first developed by the Native Nations Institute at the University of Arizona, with support from the Bush Foundation, and was primarily designed with Native nation leaders, key decision-makers, employees, citizens, and scholars in mind. IGD account holders can customize a personal resource library and share resources with colleagues.

The IGD includes the Constitutions Resource Center (CRC) that brings together research on Indigenous constitutions, examples of tribal constitutional reform, and videos of Native leaders and other governance experts discussing constitutional change. The CRC provides Native nations with access to a comprehensive set of tools and examples that can be helpful in the process of Indigenous constitutional reform.

IGD video, text, and audio resources document effective tribal governance, reform, and development practices and provide tribal decision-makers and citizens with rigorous analyses they can use in their efforts to strengthen Indigenous governance.
