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Space Law

A guide for researching space law and policy across countries.


Photo of starry skies above Sedona, AZ

Space law is a category that includes many different kinds of law as well as topics outside of the law. Additionally, legal research in this area is further complicated due to the diverse stakeholders, including many different national and international governments, as well as an increasing amount of private entities. This leads to space law being governed by many different sets of law.

The aim of this LibGuide is to provide you a toolkit for getting started with any legal research project you may have. The "Space Law & Policy" section is a good place to start for researching space law in any particular country. "Books" and "Databases" have a wide variety of resources that both include material that is not specifically related to law but contains information that is important for understanding space operations.

When researching space law, be prepared to conduct international and interdisciplinary research.