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Daniel F. Cracchiolo Law Library Blog: Blog

Library Tip: Access to NYT, WSJ, and More

by Teresa Miguel-Stearns on 2024-08-17T08:02:00-07:00 in Business Law, Law School, Policy (General), U. S. Law (General) | 0 Comments

The College of Law community can sign up for free access to the New York Times and Wall Street Journal through the university’s group subscriptions. You can read the publications on your computer, on phone apps, or you can sign up to receive daily copies via email.

Also, you can access the Washington Post at reduced cost, and read a variety of other publications through the library catalog.

New York Times

New York Times access is provided to UA faculty, staff, and students by the law library and university main library.

You can register for free access at For the school, type in University of Arizona and then follow the instructions on the screen. Note: If you encounter any error messages, email If you already have a paid subscription, cancel it first by connecting with a NYT customer service chat agent or by calling 800-698-4637.

Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal access is provided to UA faculty, staff, and students through a generous anonymous donation to Eller's Department of Finance.

You can activate your complimentary membership at by logging in with your UA NetID and password.

Washington Post

The Washington Post offers university faculty and students an academic rate of $1.00 for every 4 weeks for one year, and then $7.00 every 4 weeks thereafter.

Alternatively, you can read Washington Post articles (log in with UA NetID and password required) for free through the UA library catalog. If your phone allows, you can create a shortcut to the library catalog link to WaPo on your phone’s desktop.

Your Other Favorite Newspapers and Periodicals

You can read a large variety of newspapers and periodicals through the UA library catalog.

Example: You would like to read the Los Angeles Times every day, so you locate the database it in the UA library catalog. You have two daily reading options (log in with UA NetID and password for both):

  1. Create an alert to get an email every time full text articles are added
  2. If your phone allows, create a shortcut to the library catalog link to LA Times on your phone’s desktop

If you have any questions, ask at the circulation desk or email us at

See you in the library!

Remember that the library’s Student Services webpage is one-stop shopping for information about the many resources, research guides, and services we offer to help you survive and thrive in law school.

Faculty Services also has its own dedicated resource page. 

P.S. Check out our Law Library Blog for these weekly library tips and for interesting and timely posts: 

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