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ChatGPT and Generative AI Legal Research Guide

Existential Threat of Generative AI

AI generated images are biased, showing the world through stereotypes, Washington Post, November 1, 2023

The article discusses the inherent biases in AI-driven image generation tools, highlighting how they perpetuate stereotypes due to biased training data. Despite efforts to reduce bias, tools like Stable Diffusion XL still default to outdated Western stereotypes, influencing synthetic images' racial, gender, and cultural representations. These images, created by algorithms trained on scraped internet data, encode offensive stereotypes. Efforts to filter out problematic content have limitations, often resulting in skewed cultural representations. The article emphasizes the challenges in mitigating biases in AI-generated images, suggesting the need for better data curation and understanding of these models' limitations, which disproportionately impact marginalized communities.

Does Sam Altman Know What He's Creating?, The Atlantic, July 24, 2023

In a conversation with Sam Altman (CEO of OpenAI, concerns about AI's potential existential threats were discussed. Altman emphasized the importance of taking AI risks seriously, particularly in scenarios where AI could design deadly pathogens or hack into nuclear systems. He advocated for global AI oversight similar to the International Atomic Energy Agency and suggested safety measures like mandatory incident reporting and surveillance of powerful AIs. Altman acknowledged the challenges of international cooperation but stressed the need to prevent catastrophic AI outcomes. The article concludes by highlighting the urgency of public participation in shaping AI's future due to the ongoing, largely unchecked race toward advanced AI technologies.

Meet the AI Protest Group Campaigning Against Human Extinction, Wired, June 25, 2023

The Wired article discusses the growing concern about the existential risks posed by advanced AI and the need to pause AI development for careful evaluation. It highlights OpenAI's approach to safety and the importance of global cooperation in regulating AI technologies. The article also emphasizes the significance of ethical considerations and the potential for catastrophic outcomes if AI development proceeds without sufficient safeguards. It calls for a responsible and cautious approach to ensure AI benefits humanity without jeopardizing its future.